Friday, June 26, 2009

Bullet points of golden glory

Exploring San Francisco and catching up with both my aunt and my anime club friends has been exhausting! I missed last night's blog entry and don't want to blog tonight, but then I would be in "I've put it off for so long that it is now impossible to act" territory, which I'd rather avoid. So here is a succinct resume-style summary of the last couple days!

- Learned about Bay Area microclimates, whereby the weather in one neighborhood is not correlative with the weather in the next neighborhood over
- Saw San Francisco's magisterial town hall, inc. AIDS quilt where each patch is made in memoriam of a victim
- Visited large Episcopal church that had prob'ly a .2-mile-long path twisted in a circle on the floor with radius about ten feet (pic soon)
- Ate fantastic Chinese food of unknown animal provenance with Ellen and Wendy
- Captured several beautifully fog-shrouded shots of the Golden Gate Bridge
- Walked along Pacific Ocean coast
- Watched movie "Welcome to the Dollhouse" in Ellen and Wendy's home theater; good but painful
- Missed bridge tour this morning but drove across bridge to Marin County
- Toured San Francisco Academy of Sciences, whose aquarium is fantastic, particularly the upside-down jellyfish
- Got together with U of C friends for dinner of a Vietnamese soup called pho; yummy and full of noodly goodness
- Bought used copy of The Brothers Karamazov, figuring that I have to read at least one Russian novel at some point in my life and it might as well be this one
- Took pictures of bride and groom in full bridal and groomal array, respectively; he is wearing a top hat and monocle with otherwise traditional Japanese dress and looks silly but in a good way, while she is wearing a beautiful scarlet dress with veil and black shawl

I'm not an authority on the Bay Area yet, but I'm getting closer by the day :) We'll probably drive out on Sunday. Till then, I'll continue tearing up the city with my friends!

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